Sunday, April 4, 2010

No Combs?

So I've been struggling with breakage. I've always had it (thanks, relaxers), but I never payed too much attention to it until I started taking better care of my hair.

I need to get this under control, and I have been trying everything to try to stop it. A lot of things helped, including protein, detangling my hair soaking wet with conditioner, working up from the bottom, and using a seamless comb. I also tried not detangling every day, which didn't help. It also doesn't help that none of my combs are that great, either. When I detangled nightly, I estimate I'd have at least 20 broken pieces, and at least 40 when I did it every 3-4 days.

Anyway, last night I detangled and braided with just my fingers. My hair was perfectly detangled, and felt really soft! As well, since I was only using my hands, I feel like the glycerin spray and coconut oil I was using got well distributed.

I had NO broken hairs!!!

I will try this out and see if it works. I'm going to make a personal challenge for the next two weeks- no combs!

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