Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hair growin' protein shake

Amy and I have been drinking protein shakes daily for a few months. They taste great and have been so helpful for growing our hair and getting us healthy. Here are the ingredients:

Protein Shake Mix: Fruitein or Spirutein are delicious- both are slightly sweet, and they blend well with chlorella. Our faves are the Revitalizing Green flavor and Rainbow, and they have tons of flavors. Best of all, these shakes have so many nutrients and vitamins- check out the links to see the list.

Chlorella: I learned about chlorella on the hair forum. This has been great for our overall health, skin, energy and our hair is growing quickly! This will probably be a life-long staple.

Chlorella helps with detox, so you have to work your way up to the full serving slowly. We are currently taking 2 tsps each.

Flax seed oil: I believe that this has helped with my scalp dryness issues. Also, it makes my eyes look shiny and alive... 1TBSP per serving.

Mixers: We use a combo of milk, soy milk, juice and/or water depending on what we have around. Sometimes other types of "milk" like almond or rice, but these don't have much protein, unlike soy, which has almost as much as milk. 1 cup per serving of any combo of these, and then I use an extra 1/4 cup water over the total 1 cup of liquid to make the shake thinner and to make more of it.

And that's it! We have it for breakfast everyday- it's a fun morning routine!

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